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From Mess To Marvel: How To Clean Your Room If You Are A Teenager?

Are you a teenager and feel like your room is a mess? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many teenagers struggle to keep their rooms clean. In this blog post, I will give you some of the best tips on how to clean your room if you are a teenager. So read on and start changing your room from mess to marvel.!

Tips & Tricks – How To Clean Your Room If You Are A Teenager?

The tips I’m going to share with you now are not only on ‘How To Clean Your Room If You Are A Teenager‘ but also ‘How To Get Your Teenager To Clean Their Room!’. I know how teens’ bedrooms can look like – as if a tornado just ripped through it.

There are dirty clothes piled up in heaps. The clean ones are also sometimes mixed with the dirty ones. Used tissue papers, wrappers, and other garbage is scattered throughout the floor.

If this sounds like your kiddo’s room too, remember we’re in this together. A big part of refusal to clean their rooms is the power struggle they have to go through. Therefore, we have gathered a few of the easiest steps on ‘How To Clean Your Room If You Are A Teenager!’ OR ‘How To Get Your Teenager To Clean Their Room!’ So, shall we begin?

Number 1 – Make The Bed Every Day

Making bed might be the last thing you want to do when you wake up, but it will make a big difference in the overall look of your room. Plus, it will give you a sense of accomplishment to start the day.

If you have trouble getting motivated, set an alarm for yourself or put a note on your mirror as a reminder.

Then, gradually increase the frequency until you’re doing it every day. If you want to make your bed even more quickly and easily.

Another way to make your bed quickly is to use a bed skirt. Bed skirts can be pulled up or down in seconds and can make your bed look more neat as well.

If you have trouble making your bed, here are a few tips on how to make your bed?:

  • Start by pulling the sheets up to the top of the mattress. Then, add any blankets or comforters. If you’re using a duvet cover, put it on last.
  • Tuck the sheets and blankets in around the edges of the mattress.
  • Fold or drape any excess material over the edge of the bed.
  • Fluff up your pillows and arrange them neatly on the bed.

Number 2 – Put Clothes Away In The Closet or Hamper

Do you have clothes on the floor or thrown over a chair? If so, it’s time to put them away. Putting your clothes away will make your room look clean and neat and will help you stay organized.

If you have a lot of clothes, it may seem like a daunting task to put them all away. However, you can speed up the procedure by sorting your dresses and accessories into different categories. For example, you can have a pile for dirty clothes, a pile for clean clothes, and a pile for clothes that need to be put away.

Once you have sorted your clothes, putting them away will be much easier and quicker. Another way to deal with your clothes is to invest in a clothing organizer. Clothing organizers can be hung in your closet or on the back of your door and can help you keep your clothes as well as your room neat and organized. If you have trouble with wrinkles, invest in a steamer. Steamers can quickly remove wrinkles from clothes, giving them a clean and prettier look.


Number 3 – Dust and Vacuum Regularly

Dusting and vacuuming are two of the most important tasks when it comes to cleaning your room. To make dusting and vacuuming less of a chore, try to do them regularly. For example, you can dust your room once a week and vacuum it twice a week. Moreover, regular dusting and vacuuming will help to keep your room clean in the future.

If possible, try to use a microfiber cloth when dusting. Microfiber cloths can pick up more dust than traditional cloths and will save you time in the long run. When vacuuming, make sure to move slowly and methodically. Finally, make sure to empty the vacuum cleaner bag or canister when it is full. A full vacuum cleaner will not work as well and will take longer to use.

Number 4 – Wipe Surfaces With a Soft Damp Cloth

Wipe Surfaces With a Soft Damp Cloth

How often do you wipe down the surfaces in your room? If you are like most people, probably not very often. Wiping down surfaces is important if you want to keep your room tidy. Try to wipe down surfaces at least once a week. It helps remove any dirt or dust that has gathered on them. Some cleaning solutions may damage certain materials so be careful there.

To save time, you can use disposable wipes instead of a cloth. Disposable wipes are pre-moistened and can be thrown away after use. This makes them a quick and easy ways to clean your room fast. You can also use a steam cleaner. Steam cleaners are such equipment that use hot water to clean surfaces like tiles and can be very cool and effective. But, they can also be pricey.

Number 5 – Organize Your Belongings Into Categories (e.g., school supplies, cosmetics, electronics)

Organize Your Belongings Into Categories

Why not try to organize your belongings into categories? This process will assist you to stay organized and will make it easier to find different stuff when you need them. For example, you can have a “school supplies” category, a “cosmetics” category, and an “electronics” category. You will know exactly where to look when you need something.

By organizing your belongings, you can reduce the amount of clutter in your room. Moreover, it will be easier to find things when you need them. Finally, don’t forget to label everything! Labeling will help you remember where things go and will make it easier for others to clean up after you.

Number 6 – Keep Only Necessary Items On Your Desk or Nightstand

Your desk and nightstand are two of the most important things in your room. It is really important to keep things clean and clutter-free. To do this, only keep necessary items on these surfaces. For example, you may want to keep a lamp, alarm clock, and picture frame on your nightstand.

On your desk, you may want to keep a few pens and pencils, as well as some paper. However, try to avoid keeping too many things on your desk.


Number 7 – Store Items Under Your Bed

Store Items Under Your Bed

Why not try to store items under your bed? For example, you can store extra blankets, pillows, and clothes under your bed. Be sure to use storage cans and containers that are dustproof. It will be more helpful to keep your accessories neat and clean and will prevent dust particles from accumulating.

If you are a teenager and looking for a way to clean your room without having to actually clean it, then you can store items under your bed. Extra space in your room and make it look neater. Make sure to put everything back in its space when you’re finished using it.

How To Keep Your Room Clean In The Future As Well?

A few bonus tips on keeping your room clean in the future too. Let’s have a look!

  1. Make a daily cleaning schedule and stick to it.
  2. Make sure you have a specific place in your room for everything.
  3. Invest in some good storage containers or shelving units.
  4. Get organized and decluttered.
  5. Keep cleaning supplies caddy handy and always stock up on essentials like brooms, dustpan, mops, etc.


Well done! You now have all the tools you need to be an expert at cleaning your room. It may seem like a lot right off the bat, but with these simple tips and tricks, it will come together quickly in no time at all I promise. This is pretty much everything you need to know on ‘How To Clean Your Room If You Are A Teenager’ as well as ‘How To Get Your Teenager To Clean Their Room’ in no time! Once everything is organized, then there won’t even exist anything messy or unorganized anymore; not amongst other things either (wink).

Keypoints for cleaning your room as a teenager:

Number 1 – Make The Bed Every Day
Number 2 – Put Clothes Away In The Closet or Hamper
Number 3 – Dust and Vacuum Regularly
Number 4 – Wipe Surfaces With a Soft Damp Cloth
Number 5 – Organize Your Belongings Into Categories (e.g., school supplies, cosmetics, electronics)
Number 6 – Keep Only Necessary Items On Your Desk or Nightstand
Number 7 – Store Items Under Your Bed in Containers/Storage Boxes

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